Monday 28 April 2014

Le Comparatif et La Superlatif

La classe va écrire un test bien tôt! Tu dois pratiquer:

Le Comparatif: 

Monday 14 April 2014

The demonstrative're all "cette!"

The "demonstrative adjective" is "this/that" in English. In French, the "demonstrative adjective is "ce". Since French has that "masculin" et "feminine" business "ce" changes depending on what it's describing.

This dog is cute.--> Ce chien est mignon. (Masculin) 

This giraffe is cuter. -->Cette giraffe est plus mignonne. (Feminine)

The "demonstrative adjective" works like "le". This table will help you with your activities:

M. Singulier
F. Singulier
M/F Pluriel
definite article (the)
demonstrative adjective (this/that)
**cet is used when you have a masculine word that begins with a vowel or a silent "h"
Cet hôtel est grand.

Do the following activities to familiarise yourselves with how the "demonstrative adjective" works.

After you do the activities you must submit the following sentences to Mr. Francey to be graded. Write them on a lined sheet of paper. Each sentence is worth 2 marks. 1 mark for the correct demonstrative adjective and one mark for the rest of the sentence. Don't forget punctuation!

This car is red.

I love this song!

This cat is a fat cat.

I want to eat this pizza.

I am going to visit this museum. (Hint: This sentence uses the futur proche)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

McJournal...J'M Ça

Voici le site web de McDonald's France. Pour ton journal aujourd'hui tu dois écrire un journal de 8 phrases. Tu dois utiliser au moins 5 adjectifs. Utilise des adjectifs du travail que nous avons fait en classe, il y a beaucoup d'adjectifs dans les tables!

Pour ce journal tu vas reçevoir une note sur 12.

Level 1--6-7
-Uses less than 5 adjectives
-Writes less than 8 phrases
-Makes frequent spelling and grammar errors

Level 2--8
-Uses 5 adjectives
-Writes 8 simple phrases
-Makes frequent spelling and grammar errors

Level 3--9
-Uses 5 adjectives
-Makes few spelling and grammar errors
-Writes 8 or more phrases
-Uses 1 complex sentences using link words (ie J'aime les hamburgers qui sont...)
-Makes few spelling and grammar errors

Level 4--10-12
-Uses 5 or more adjectives
-Writes 8 or more phrases
-Uses 2 complex sentences using link words (ie J'aime les hamburgers qui sont...)
-Very few spelling and grammar errors

Voici un exemple:

Je veux manger "Le Grand Chicago Classic". "Le Grand Chicago Classic" est un grand hamburger avec des oignions. Les oignions sont délicieux.  Chez McDonald's en France il y a aussi de beaux cafés chauds. Je pense que les petits macarons sont fantastique! J'adore les macarons verts. Il y a plusiers de deserts sur le menu qui sont excellents. Je suis faché parce que les McDonald's ici n'ont pas de desserts fantastiques! C'est dommage!

Ça c'est Level 4 parce qu'...

Il y a plus de 5 adjectifs (les adjectifs sont en caractéres grasses)
Il y a plus de huit phrases
Il  n'y a pas d'erreurs
Il  y a deux phrases complexes

*Food can be found under the "Nos Produits" section of the top menu
*Stick to adjectives on the list
*All hamburgers are masculin--le Bigmac
*Read my example closely to get ideas on sentence starters and how to phrase certain things
*If you're stuck look at the verb lists and grammar packages to think of phrases to use
*Refer to wordreference to find out if words are masculin or feminine when necessary